Tsundoku – a book hoarder


This week’s word is tsundoku (pronunciation advice here – basically it is tsoon-doh-coo). I came across this in an article by Hector Tobar. Tsundoku is a Japanese word for someone who hoards books, specifically buying them, piling them up and not reading them.

I mentioned this in passing to the man who shares my life and he snorted with laughter while gesturing at our book-cases and  looking pointedly at me. I have no idea what he’s getting at. Most people reading about this term will feel sorry for a person who is compelled to hoard. But a true reader will wonder how many books you have to own in order to qualify for this badge of honour. Well, shelfari will let you join the Compulsive Book Hoarders Community if you own more than a thousand books.

The To Be Read Pile

The To Be Read Pile

Did I zip off to count the books in my house? Oh yes. I can report that we have 1540 books in our home. This includes 726 children’s books, 30 recipe books, 100 technical computing books, 20 craft books, and my To Be Read pile – currently running at 49, with some of them hidden under the bed to avoid my other half’s mocking. We also use the library, borrow books from friends, and regularly donate books to charity (because the wood-worker in the house is refusing to build me more book-shelves now that we have them in basically every room of the house).

So I guess I am a tsundoku and my children are well on their way too. I’d love to know if it’s just us. How many books are in your home?

Until next time happy reading, writing, and wordfooling,


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8 thoughts on “Tsundoku – a book hoarder

  1. ninjaitis

    Yup, Japanese has words for everything. Tsudoku 積ん読 and betsubara 別腹 are two of my favorite concepts we don’t have in English. Betsubara means “different stomach” and basically means you feel full after a meal but have room for dessert. I am definitely a hoarder of books.

    1. wordfoolery Post author

      Oh I love the idea of betsubara too! Our family joke is that it’s ok to have icecream because it trickles down and fills the gaps between the rest of the food.

  2. Lanise Brown

    Wow. I had no idea there was a Compulsive Book Hoarders Community! Haha. Now I have to wonder if ebooks count as well? Because I’m techinically an ebook hoarder, so I may fall into the category of a Tsundoku too.

    1. wordfoolery Post author

      Oh no! I hadn’t considered ebooks, in that case I’ve got to add at least another 200 to my total. Still, at least they take up less space in the house.

  3. Debbie Baggerly

    just found this……found “tsundoku” on a necklace and had to look it up! Also made me count my books 1001…..not counting 600 plus e books or some children’s books. Signed up for your page…..have a great day.

    1. wordfoolery Post author

      Ebooks should count really, shouldn’t they? Or perhaps they only count if you’ve read them. I find it’s easy to fill my e-reader up with books and not get around to reading them, whereas a physical pile of books towering at my bedside demands attention. Thanks for signing up!


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